[short_description]14K White Natural Amethyst Rope Pendant.[/short_description][product_description]14K White Natural Amethyst Rope Pendant[/product_description][unique_description_1]PRODUCT TYPE: PendantsCOLLECTION: Gemstone PendantsSTATUS: Made To OrderUNIT OF SALE: EachWEIGHT: 1.0588WEIGHT UNIT OF MEASURE: DWTGRAM WEIGHT: 1.65RING SIZABLE: NLEAD TIME: 7SERIES: 86393PRODUCT TYPE: PendantJEWELRY STATE: SetQUALITY: 14K WhitePRIMARY STONE SHAPE: OvalPRIMARY STONE TYPE: Natural AmethystPRIMARY STONE SIZE :: CTW: 9 X 7 MmSECONDARY STONE TYPE: N/ANECKLACE LENGTH: N/AFINISH STATE: PolishedDESCRIPTION: Natural Amethyst Rope PendantREADY TO WEAR: YQUALITY CATALOG VALUE: 14KWGemstone Fashion,Finished,Pendants,Gemstone Pendants,Solitaire[/unique_description_1][unique_description_2]DIAMOND CLARITY: N/ADIAMOND COLOR: N/A[/unique_description_2]